Pacemaker & Other Medical Devices


Bar-Cohen, Y., Silka, M. J., Hill, A. C., Shwayder, M., Pruetz, J. D., Stevey-Rindenow, L., Peck, R., Kohan, S. and Loeb, G. E. (2025). A leadless pericardial pacemaker. Heart Rhythm. doi:

Pruetz, J.D., Miller, J.C., Loeb, G.E., Silka, M.J., Bar-Cohen, Y., and Chmait R.H. Prenatal diagnosis and management of congenital complete heart. Wiley DOI: 10.1002/bdr2.1459, 2019.

Loeb, G.E. Neural Prosthetics: A Review of Empirical vs. Systems Engineering Strategies Applied Bionics & Biomechanics, vol. 2018, Article ID 1435030, 17 pages, 2018.

Bar-Cohen, Y., Silka, M.J., Hill, A.C., Pruetz, J.D., Chmait, R.H., Zhou, L., Rabin, S.M., Norekyan, V. and Loeb, G.E.  Minimally invasive implantation of a micropacemaker into the pericardial space, Circulation:  Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 11:e006307. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCEP.118.006307, 2018.

Zhou, L., Bar-Cohen, Y., Peck, R.A., Chirikian, G.V., Harwin, B., Chmait, R.H., Pruetz, J.D., Silka, M.J. and Loeb, G.E. Analytical modeling for computing lead stress in a novel epicardial micropacemaker Cardiovascular Engineering & Technology DOI: 10.1007/s13239-017-0292-3, 2017.

Vest, A.N., Zhou, L., Huang, X., Norekyan, V., Bar-Cohen, Y., Chmait, R.H. and Loeb, G.E. Design and testing of a transcutaneous RF recharging system for a fetal micropacemaker IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits and System TBioCAS-2016-Mar-062-Reg.R2, 2016.

Vest, A.N., Zhou, L., Bar-Cohen, Y. and Loeb, G.E. A novel method to estimate safety factor of capture by a fetal micropacemaker Physiological Measurement DOI:10.1088/0967-3334/37/7/1172, 2016.

Zhou, L., Vest, A.N., Peck, R.A., Sredl, J.P., Huang, X., Bar-Cohen, Y., Silka, M.J., Pruetz, J.D., Chmait, R.H. and Loeb, G.E. Minimally invasive implantable fetal micropacemaker: mechanical testing and technical refinements Med Biol Eng Comput 1-12. DOI 10.1007/s11517-016-1470-4, 2016.

Bar-Cohen, Y., Loeb, G.E., Pruetz, J.D., Silka, M.J., Guerra, C., Vest, A.N., Zhou, L. and Chmait,R.H. Preclinical testing and optimization of a novel fetal micropacemaker. Heart Rhythm, vol 12, No 7, 2015.

Kaliki, R.R., Davoodi, R. and Loeb, G.E. Evaluation of a noninvasive command scheme for upper-limb prostheses in a virtual reality reach and gasp task. IEEE Trans. BME 60:792-802, 2013.

Loeb, G.E., Zhou, L., Zheng, K., Nicholson, A., Peck, R.A., Krishnan, A., Silka, M., Pruetz, J., Chmait, R. and Bar-Cohen, Y. Design and testing of a percutaneously implantable fetal pacemaker. Annals Biomed. Engng., 41:17-27, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-012-0631-3, 2013.

Davoodi, R. and Loeb, G.E., Development of a physics-based target shooting game to train amputee users of multijoint upper limb prostheses. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 21:85-95, 2012.

Loeb, G.E. Neuroprosthetic Interfaces – the Reality Behind Bionics and Cyborgs. Human Nature and Self-Design, eds. Schleidgen, Jungert, Bauer & Sandow, mentis Verlag GmbH, Paderborn, Germany, 2011.

Zou, Q. Tan, W., Kim, E.S., and Loeb, G.E. Single- and Triaxis Piezoelectric-Bimorph Accelerometers. J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(1):45-57, 2008.

Loeb, G.E. and Wills, J. General-Purpose Technology for a General-Purpose Nervous System. ISCAS Conference 2008.

Loeb, G.E., Singh, J., Allen, J.G., Raphael, G., Buckley P., Blanco, C., Richmond, F.J.R. and Salter, G.D.V. A Document Navigation System for the Paperwork Jungle, MD&DI, p. 110-119, August 2006.

Wolpaw, J.R., Loeb, G.E., Allison, B.Z., Donchin, E., do Nascimento, O.F., Heetderks, W.J., Nijboer, F., Shain, W.G. and Turner, J.N. BCI Meeting 2005–Workshop on Signals and Recording Methods. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 14(2):138-41, 2006.

Loeb, G.E. We made the deaf hear. Now What? Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses, Chapter 1, p. 3-13, 2005.

Loeb, G.E. Galvani’s Delayed Legacy: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. Expert Review of Medical Devices. 2(4):379-381, July, 2005.

Loeb, G.E. and Richmond, F.J.R. Making Design Controls Useful for Research and Development. Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry 25(4):63-68, April, 2003.

Loeb, G.E. and Richmond, F.J.R. FES or TES: How to start an industry? Proceedings of the 4th Annual conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation society, Sendai, Japan, 169-172, 1999.

Loeb, G.E. and Peck, R.A. Cuff electrodes for chronic stimulation and recording of peripheral nerve activity. J. Neurosci. Meth. 64:95-103, 1996.

Loeb, G.E., Peck, R.A. and Martyniuk, J. Toward the ultimate metal microelectrode. J. Neurosci. Meth., 63:175-183, 1995.

Martyniuk, J., Corbett, S., and Loeb, G.E. Innovative Laser Systems for Ultraviolet Laser-Based Micromachining. Med. Dev. & Diag. Industry, October, pp. 110-121, 1994.

Bak, M., Girvin, J.P., Hambrecht, F.T., Kufta, C.V., Loeb, G.E. and Schmidt, E.M. Visual sensations produced by intracortical microstimulation of the human occipital cortex. Med. & Biol. Engng and Comput. 28:257-259, 1990.

Krarup, C. and Loeb, G.E. Conduction studies in peripheral cat nerve using implanted electrodes: I. Methods and findings in controls. Muscle & Nerve, 11:922-932, 1988.

Krarup, C., Loeb, G.E., and Pezeshkpour, G.H. Conduction studies in peripheral cat nerve using implanted electrodes: II. The effects of prolonged constriction on regeneration of crushed nerve fibers. Muscle & Nerve, 11:933-944, 1988.

Krarup, C., Loeb, G.E. and Pezeshkpour, G.H. Conduction studies in peripheral cat nerve using implanted electrodes: III. The effects of prolonged constriction on the distal nerve segment. Muscle and Nerve, 12:915-928, 1989.

Chanaud, C.M., Pratt, C.A. and Loeb, G.E. A multiple-contact EMG recording array for mapping single muscle unit territories. J. Neurosci. Meth. 21:105-112, 1987.

Loeb, G.E. Restoring motor function through electrical stimulation. MS Quart. Rep. 6:47-50, 1987.

Loeb, G.E. Neural control and prosthetics: Interfaces with the nervous system. Keynote address, J. Am. Osteopathic Assoc. 86:594-5, 1986.

Hoffer, J.A. and Loeb, G.A. A technique for reversible fusimotor blockade during chronic recording from spindle afferents in walking cats. Exp. Brain Res. suppl., 7:272-279, 1983.

Loeb, G.E., McHardy, J., Kelliher, E.M. and Brummer S.B. Neural Prosthesis. In: Biocompatibility in Clinical Practice, Vol. II. (Ed.) D.F. Williams, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, pp. 123-149, 1982.

Hoffer, J.A. and Loeb, G.E. Implantable Electrical and Mechanical Interfaces with Nerve and Muscle. Ann. Biomed. Eng., 8:351-360, 1980.

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Bak, M.J. and Loeb, G.E. A Pulsed Integrator for EMG Analysis. Electroenceph. & Clin. Neurophysiol., 47:738-741, 1979.

Loeb, G.E., Marks, W.B. and Beatty, P.G. Analysis and microelectronic design of tubular electrode arrays for chronic, multiple single unit recording from captured nerve fibers. Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 15:195-201, 1977.

Loeb, G.E., Walker, A.E., Uematsu, S. and Konigsmark, B.W. Histological reaction to various conductive and dielectric films chronically implanted in the subdural space. J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 11:195-210, 1977.

Loeb, G.E., Bak, M.J. and Duysens, J. Long-term unit recording from somatosensory neurons in the spinal ganglia of the freely waling cat. Science, 197:1192-1194, 1977.

Loeb, G.E., Bak, M.J., Salcman, M. and Schmidt, E.M. Parylene as a Chronically Stable, Reproducible Microelectrode Insulator. IEEE-BME, 24:121-128, 1977.

Thomas, C.A., Jr., Springer, P.A., Loeb, G.E., Berwald-Netter, Y. and Okun, L.M. A Miniature Microelectrode Array to Monitor the Bioelectric Activity of Cultured Cells. Exp. Cell Res., 74:61-66, 1972.